Om's Blog

Articles, thoughts, misc

So.. what happened?

December 21, 2024 — Om Raheja

Here's how I've changed in the last few months.

Today's a beautiful snow day. But more importantly, it's an opportunity to finish selling off my chocolates for FBLA since everyone else is at home.

On the subject of money, my interest in finance has kind of weathered. I remember wanting to make a FOSS, cli SEC parser. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I have more important projects to work on now and it wouldn't really warrant the time.

After looking around on this site that hasn't been updated since June(?), I've noticed how much I really wanted to be "minimal" and "FOSS" and stick to my based computer setup. Now, I've begun to understand what place that really has in my world. It definitely won't apply to my business or my petition. I did plaster "send me an email" and put links to all my different initiatives all over my website in hopes people would click it. And for the petition, I made it possible to sign on the homepage itself. Just that I didn't get enough traffic nor was my website trustworthy-looking enough to warrant the signature.

So for the corporate world, stick to React and django. Use tailwind CSS sparkled with a bit of Vue if it builds credibility. And for the petition, I should have stuck to social media posts with a link. And at hackathon events like CJCP, bring a computer with an OS where installing packages is literally one line away. There's no point of removing systemd or glibc if we can't move to production as fast as possible.

For my personal life and this website, I'll stick to this conservative, FOSS, and minimal website. At this point this site only serves as a place for my own thoughts and doesn't serve any important purpose except my resume and some important links. I'll also keep my old posts up so I can watch my own evolution and see how far I really stray from the FOSS extremist I used to be.

Since this is my personal website, don't expect it to be updated anytime soon. I'm pretty busy now but occasionally when I need to reflect on life you'll see a massive dump of ideas here.

To all the people who stick to one method like I did, try something crazy and completely different. Then watch how everything changes. If I was still on my Alpine setup worried about my RAM usage, I would have never learned about teamwork, entrepreneurship, or machine learning. That being said, I would like to go back to Linux for a while and disconnect during my vacation this break :)

Tags: reflection, waste-of-time